How To Guide



If you have never been to our website before and you do not have an account you may need to register first. Please go to the Registration Page and fill out your information. This information will be reviewed by an administrator and you will receive notification when your account has been approved.


To login simply enter your username and password at the Login Page. If you do not know your username and / or password please email or use the Forgot Password section of the site.

After you have successfully logged in you will have access to a few options of the site.

Viewing Projects

VIEWING - You can view files and project information pertaining to specific projects by visiting the Projects Page and clicking on the view project icon ().

If a project is missing from your list please email and they can add the project for you.

ARCHIVING - You can archive projects that you no longer wish to see on your default projects list. You can archive projects simply by clicking on the check box for the specified project under the "Archived" column. You will be prompted to confirm archiving of the specified project, simple click OK.

If you wish to view these archived projects you can click the View Archived Projects link. You can also unarchive projects by going to the View Archived Projects page and unchecking the checkbox in the "Archived" column.

SEARCHING - You are also able to search / filter projects by entering your search details and clicking on the search icon () that is located in the top right of the screen.

SORTING - You can sort project details by clicking the project column headers such as:

  • Project Number
  • Project Name
  • Date Created

Manage My Profile

You have the option to manage your profile by visiting the Manage Profiles Page. The details that you are able to modify are:

  • Company Name
  • Address
  • City
  • Province
  • Postal Code
  • User Name
  • Password
  • Email Address
  • Fax Number
  • Phone Number

Downloading Folder

We have added a DOWNLOAD FOLDER option. When browsing a project file directory you will see a green arrow beside the number of files in the folder. Click that arrow to download all of the files included in that folder.

Server Time: 2024-07-27 1:06:27 AM